../ --> represents one directory higher
cat filename --> display file contents
cat stuff1 stuff2 > allStuff --> combine files
cat someStuff >> allStuff --> append to a file
cd dirName --> go into the directory dirName
chmod [permission mode] file --> change the permission of a file
(4=read, 2=write, 1=execute for user/group/all)
chown user file --> change the owner of a file
clear --> clear the terminal
cp file1 file2 --> copy file1 to file2
date --> print current date and time
find someStuff --> locate a file or directory
finger user --> get some info about a user
free --> display some stats about memory usage
ftp hostname --> connect to an ftp server
gunzip file.gz --> extract contents of gzipped compressed files
hostname --> display the hostname of the computer
kill [ID] --> terminate a process
less --> file view file in terminal with ability to scroll up and down
ln sourceName destDirectory --> create symbolic link to a file
locate file --> locate a file from a database maintained by the computer
login --> login to the computer
lpr file --> sends a file to the print spooler
ls --> list the contents of the current directory
ls directory --> list the contents of a given directory
man program --> display manual pages for a program
mkdir directory --> create a directory
more file --> view file in terminal with ability to scroll down
mv source target --> move a file
passwd --> user change a user's password
pico file --> open a file in the pico text editor
pwd --> print the full pathname of the current directory
quota user --> display the disk quota allocated to a user
rm file --> delete a file
rmdir directory --> delete a directory
rm -rf --> anything forcefully delete something (like a directory,
sh --> the standard Unix shell, bash
ssh hostname --> open an ssh session
su --> switch to the superuser's (root's) identity
su user --> switch to another user's identity
tail file --> print the last 10 lines of a file
telnet hostname --> open a telnet session
touch file --> update the access time and last modified time for a file to the current time and date
uname -a --> print system information
vi file --> open a file in the vi or vim text editor
who am i --> gives info about the current user
who -uH --> gives info and idle times for all users
Linux Sys Admin Commands
halt --> shuts down the machine
mount /mnt/floppy --> mounts the floppy fs
mount /mnt/cdrom --> mounts the cd-rom fs
shutdown -r "now" --> restarts the machine
umount mountedLocation --> unmounts a filesystem
update db --> update file database used by locate command