Open Last Closed Tab in IE 7

Now a plug-in for IE7 users that allows to open the last closed tab. Firefox users must be used to it as when you close a tab in Firefox, it can be opened immediately. But in case of IE 7 till today it was not possible for me to open the last closed tab in IE, until I came across a plug-in that allows users to open not only the last tab in IE 7, but also up to last 200 tabs closed, Amazing isn't it?

IE Open Tab

IE7 Open Last Closed Tab is a plug-in that makes "Alt-X" reopens the last closed tab. Instead of trying to find it in your browser history, you can hit "Alt-X" and it automatically reopens last tab closed. It also provides Quick Tab Style View, shown when a user hit "Alt-Q", which gives you thumbnails of the previous tabs you've closed. You can then click on the thumbnail of the page you want to open in a new tab.
One more reason for IE users to Rejoice :D
Download It Here